YOUKNOWTHEBO - Bo Ismono’s Social Media



Everything started with the desire to create my own videos and my own projects outside my work as a film editor. As a film editor in the advertising world all projects are team efforts, in which I work with a director, dop, producer, creatives and of course a client.

But sometimes I just want to grab a camera and create my own work. Plus one day I really wanted to buy this highly expensive backpack and was looking for a proper video review. After long internal debates if I should buy this backpack (which was the Goruck GR0 for about €400.- including tax and shipping from USA), I just went ahead and bought it. Since there weren’t any proper video reviews about this bag available, I created my first Youtube Backpack Review Video. This started my Youtube channel that has about 59K Subscribers at the time of writing this small text.

I pride myself to be an unbiased and trustworthy reviewer and do not use any sponsorships or ads, but rather created a Patreon. See my ethics statement in this video.


Every Social Media presence is either on Twitter or Instagram. I’m in love with pictures, that is why you can find me on my Instagram.

Here I post everything that is related to my Youtube Channel, so bags, backpacks, everydaycarry items and travel relatex topics. But I also share my love for my dogs and motorcycle.

In the Instagram stories I regularly post behind the scenes or work related stories when editing.



As mentioned in the Youtube section of this small website:

I pride myself to be an unbiased and trustworthy reviewer and do not use any sponsorships or ads, but rather created a Patreon. See my ethics statement in this video.

I am very thankful for the generous support of my “die hard” fans that keep my Youtube channel running without me having to deal with other clients (i.e. sponsors).

As a thank you Patreons have access to Podcasts in which I interview other reviewers, designers and more. Also Patreons get access to a Discord server in which we hold monthly video meetups, bag contests and discussions about bags and other related topics.

The ISMONO Podcast

On my Patreon I already created a lot of exclusive Podcast. All of these episodes are amazing and the conversations were a lot of fun. Because there is such a huge backlog of episodes, I decided to make these episodes publicly available while still recording new episodes as early access and in video form on my Patreon.

Now on a two week basis you can listen to these episodes on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcast.